
Our Compliance Culture 

Integrity is the foundation of our business model. We live up to our business purpose by acting sustainably and behave ethically and morally in the most proper way. In its corporate values, Commerz Global Service Solutions Sdn Bhd (CGSS) is committed to acting with integrity towards customers and business partners as well as employees, including the interaction among each other. At CGSS, Compliance does not only include the proper and law-abiding conduct of all business units. Compliance is also part of the corporate culture of the Commerzbank Group including CGSS and forms the basis of our corporate responsibility. Violations of laws, regulatory or internal requirements are not tolerated by the Company.

We Need Your Help 

Any reasonable suspicion of an actual or possible violation of law and regulatory or internal requirements in connection with Commerz Global Service Solutions can be reported (so-called "whistleblowing", hereinafter referred to as "report" or "notice"). This also includes information on actual or possible violations of human rights or of environmental obligations from the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act(Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz - LkSG). 

You can file your report regardless of whether the suspicion is directed against individual employees or in connection with Commerz Global Service Solutions, our customers or third parties, e.g. a supplier. 

Whistleblowing System 

Help to clarify possible violations of laws, regulatory provisions and internal regulations and to take action against them by using our whistleblowing system for your report. Here you can submit reports by name or anonymously, under the provisions of the local law. We make sure to treat your reports strictly confidential. In doing so, we observe the legitimate interests of all parties involved in accordance with the applicable local laws. 

Customer complaints regarding products and services of the Bank are not considered as whistleblowing. To file such reports, please use the well-known communication channels and contribute to improving the quality of our product sand advice. 

Please use the following hyperlink to enter the reporting system:
BKMS System